What Weakens the Immune System and What Strengthens It?
| 04/16/2018
Your body’s immune system is essential as it is your body’s natural defense system. The network of cells, organs, and tissues that are present within it come together to help defend your body against unwanted visitors.
These uninvited guests are bacteria, viruses, parasites and even fungus. All of these invaders hold a high potential for making us exponentially sick. The immune system produces white blood cells that attack and destroy these harmful intruders.
Our immune system can become weak if we overload it with all the wrong kind of influences.
One of the major factors that contribute to the weakening of the immune system is stress. Stress has always been known to have a colossal negative effect on a person’s immune system.
Lack of sleep has also been known to be an agent that donates to the destruction of the immune system. Lack of exercise, poor levels of nutrition, and low levels of digestion also contribute aggressively to the decline of our gallant immune system.
Smoking has been a long-standing well-known cause of lung cancer, but what was not so well-known was that second-hand smoking can also cause irreparable damage to your immune system.
If you wish to boost your immune system and keep it from powering off then you will have to take certain steps and make changes to your routine. Try to incorporate healthier, unsaturated, fats which can be attained by adding vegetables to your diet.
Cut down the use of white sugar and instead, opt for natural sweeteners (the ones extracted from stevia plant).
Add more fish such as sardines, herring, and mackerel to your intake since they contain protein and fatty acids called omega-3 which help regulate the function of immune system.
In addition, it is advisable that in order to improve the function of your immune system you get moving in the gym, or even at your home.
These are subtle changes that you can easily make to your lifestyle if you wish to keep improving your immune system. You just need to take baby steps and make these small changes that will allow you to be the healthiest you have ever been.
For an extra boost, try our Healthy Me Patch which promotes good health by enhancing the immune system.