The Relaxation Response
| 02/25/2019
How to ease tension, overcome stress, and be happier and healthier!
If you’ve ever heard someone tell you to relax during a stressful situation, you know just how difficult that can be when your nervous system is on high alert. That doesn’t mean that you can’t start thinking and reacting differently, however. Once you’ve learned how to employ the Relaxation Response, you’ll see things in an entirely different way. You’ll be more proactive and less reactive.
What is the Relaxation Response?
The Relaxation Response is a tool that Herbert Benson created and wrote about in the 1970s. The Harvard physician’s teachings remain popular today due to their success in stressful situations. Within seconds, you can go from being stressed to the max to being in complete control of your physical and emotional responses to the stressor.
How to Go from Stressed to Relaxed Quickly
Breathwork is an important part of The Relaxation Response. It gets you to focus on the present moment and the act of breathing deeply. When the mind is emptied of worries, the body is able to let go of tension and return to a state of complete relaxation. The focus shifts from the perceived danger to the present moment and the way the body feels.
It’s something that is easily achieved through aromatherapy. Familiar scents cause the brain to shift its focus from the negative to the positive. Happy memories usually accompany familiar scents from the past.
What Bioesse Tech Products Do
Our Aromatherapy Inhalation Patches are designed to help you overcome challenges. For example, the scent of lavender is good for reducing stress and anxiety while promoting relaxation. Placing a patch on your chest where you can breathe in the scent of essential oils provides you with long lasting relief for up to eight hours a day. It can help trigger the relaxation response in your body by calming your nervous system and quieting your racing thoughts.