The Busy Person’s Guide to Better Quality Sleep
| 09/03/2018
Restful slumber is yours for the taking tonight and every night from here on out.
A busy schedule doesn’t need to cut into your bedtime. In fact, you’re going to need to rest up to be able to do all the things you want to do throughout the day. The busiest people need good, quality sleep because it helps them live longer, improves their memory, cuts down on inflammation, and even gives them the creative boost that they require to thrive as a person and professional.
How Much Sleep Do You Need?
According to the National Sleep Foundation, the amount of sleep that an individual needs varies. Contributing factors include age and activity level. If you go hard throughout the week and find yourself lacking the energy to power through the weekends, it could mean that you need more sleep.
If you’re between the ages of 18 to 25 years old, seven to nine hours of sleep is average for you. People ages 26 to 64 years of age also need seven to nine hours of sleep on a consistent basis. Older people who fall into the last age category which is 65 years old and older, need about an hour less of sleep because seven to eight hours keeps them going.
Creating the Right Sleeping Environment for You
The scent of lavender remains an effective natural sleep-inducer. Breathing in the aroma of a Bioesse Tech’s Lavender Aromatherapy Patch before bedtime helps relax your muscles and ease your mind. You can easily wear a patch on your chest for up to six to eight hours of powerful aromatherapy benefits.
It’s one of the many tools available for you to help create the ideal sleeping environment to meet your needs. Available as single patches as well as bulk monthly subscriptions, you’re able to order the exact number of our product that you need with the greatest of ease. Our online storefront is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for your convenience as we understand what it’s like to keep a busy schedule.