Self-Soothing Activities to Try on a Long Flight
| 04/22/2019
Make your travel experiences unique and personal.
If you travel frequently, you know how stressful it can be. By the time you’ve made it through airport security and actually found your seat on the airplane, your nerves are frazzled. What if there was a better way to fly and it was completely controlled by you? Would you be willing to take charge of the situation and deploy some self-guided tools and techniques designed to promote relaxation and give you a better sense of self?
The following list of self-soothing activities is perfect for people on the go. They restore a sense of calm and can be used on any long flight. They’re explained in greater detail below.
Here are some self-soothers for you to try today:
- Minding your breath. Deep breathing has its benefits. In addition to relaxing you, it also detoxifies the system and improves cardiovascular health. It can be done anywhere with no tools, too, making it perfect for your next flight. Deep breathing is an effective way to regain focus so that you’re not thinking about the past or the future.
- Using the power of scent to calm your nerves. A Bioesse Tech Aromatherapy Inhalation Patch smelling of lavender is great for long flights. Worn on the skin and under clothing, it has a small amount of oil in the reservoir making it airline-friendly. While you’re waiting for the plane to take off or touch down, practice deep breathing so you’re able to inhale the soothing scent of floral essential oil.
- Chewing gum or sucking on a mint. Peppermint-flavored candies and gums are invigorating. They have a natural calming effect. Focusing on the flavor, texture, and even appearance of the chewing gum or mint helps take you away from your worries by placing you at the moment where mindfulness counts.
Make flying more bearable by engaging in self-soothing activities that help calm your nerves, make you feel awake without the use of caffeine, and enhance your overall travel experience. You’ve got options to choose from that are easy to take from one place to the next, too, because all of the suggestions listed above are portable.