No More Excuses! Now You Can Incorporate a Workout on a Busy Day
| 03/12/2018
An extensive amount of research has shown the importance of making a daily workout a regular part of our priority list. The problem is that even though we are aware of its importance, incorporating it into our difficult work routines is not something that comes easy.
But where there is a will there is away! You can incorporate subtle workout techniques to keep you fit throughout the day.
- You can do 20 squats in the morning. Warm up for a minute, you can jog in place where you are standing or do jumping jacks, and then do 20 squats.
- After you come back home before you hit the shower you can warm up the same way and then do 20 more squats. If you have time before bed you can incorporate a set of 20 more. You can even do them in the kitchen as your food cooks.
- Instead of using the elevator you can use the stairs. Always carry small dumbbells with you (if you wish to challenge yourself). Walking up the stairs will workout your glutes, legs, and also get your heart rate up.
- Do calf raises when you are washing your hands in the washroom or getting ready. When you are applying your makeup or doing your hair, putting on clothes, you are very likely to be standing in one place. Try to do as many calve raises throughout the day.
- Do an easy ab workout while stuck in traffic. Engage your core, pull your bellybutton towards your spine and bear down. Remember to breathe throughout the workout.
- You can also use a wall for push-ups. Whenever you get some time and privacy place both your hands against the wall push your body towards it. It is like a traditional push-up only here the wall is the floor.
That’s it! Just follow these simple tips to help lead a more active lifestyle despite your hectic schedule. For an extra boost, try our Healthy Me inhalation patch which promotes good health by enhancing the immune system.