Tips For a Healthier and Happier Brain
| 04/09/2018
Starting from emotions all the way to thought patterns, each and every aspect of the human way of expression exists within the vicinity of the grey matter in our brain.
However, as our daily routine rolls on, over the years, we tend to get mentally exhausted. There would be certain details of the day that we are unable to recall. Several researches have suggested that travel is the solution for our tired brains. In essence, all we need to do is try and boost our brain health.
Studies have suggested that exercising on a regular basis tends to boost the area of the brain responsible for verbal memory and learning. Exercise activates the liberation of certain chemicals in the brain that not only preserve the new brain cells but also refine memory through the birth of new blood vessels.
Sleep Cycle
When we sleep our body goes through 3 distinctive phases of the sleep cycle. The first stage is the light sleep which occurs initially as we fall asleep. In the second stage of sleep, our body heals itself. It is in the third stage of the sleep cycle that the brain is repaired. This cycle lasts for 60-90 minutes and this is also why it is highly advisable that human beings sleep 7-9 hours a day.
Food Intake
A research says that our brain performs best at 25 grams of glucose at a time. This equals the nutrients found in one banana. You need to cut down your meals into smaller meals throughout the day. If you eat 3 meals then it is best you cut it down to 6.
Don’t multitask
When you try to focus on way too many things at once you are stopping yourself from assigning data to your working memory. You need to learn to be mindful of the activity you are doing at that moment because if your brain is elsewhere then your brain is not taking in the information being given now.
Take a break from your routine which is making your memory suffer and implement these tips for a healthier brain.
For an extra boost, try the Healthy Me Patch which promotes good health by enhancing the immune system.