Grow Your Own Flowers and Herbs for Your Essential Oil Blends
| 03/01/2017
If you have a green thumb, your garden doesn’t need to be purely ornamental or nutritional. It can have medicinal uses, too. An aromatherapy herb garden has fragrant flowers and herbs that you can grow to make into essential oils. If you’re curious about how to begin, note that there are print and digital resources written to help you with your floral and herbal natural healing practices.
Aromatherapy Herb Garden
Essential oils have the ability to provide relief from a number of symptoms ranging from nausea to anxiety to insomnia to depression. Breathing in the fragrance of these oils has a calming effect on the body. Aromatherapy is a go-to tool for stress relief for people with all types of lifestyles.
To start, think about what types of flowers and herbs you’d like to grow. Then, decide what type of essential oils that you’d like to use in your day to day life. After you have an idea of what you’d like to use, start purchasing the tools that you need to create your own essential oils. You’ll find the information needed in the resources that you seek online or buy at bookstores.
Once you’ve created some blends that you like, start using them regularly. You’ll see how your body and mind responds to them. Take note if you feel any differently than you did before. This will help you understand which work well for you and which don’t.
Now that you know how aromatherapy can help your mind, body, and soul, Bioesse Tech invites you to purchase some of our Blank Inhalation Patches. Fill them with your unique essential oil blends. You’ll love how convenient and easy it is to place a patch on your body and get up to eight hours of relief from the symptoms that you’re experiencing.