Five Ways to Feel Good in the Moment
| 10/01/2018
Bliss out as much as you possibly can with these five ways to feel good in the moment.
Being mindful means living in the moment. It’s embracing life and what it has waiting for you with wide eyes and an open heart. Having a “carpe diem” attitude helps you make the most of every single minute you’re alive. It gives you a reason to get inspired and stay that way each and every day.
Here are five ways to feel good in the moment:
Develop an “attitude of gratitude”.
Think of all the ways you’ve been blessed throughout your lifetime. Create a running list of things that you feel grateful for. Whenever you need a boost of confidence, review what you’ve written and take into account just how fortunate you really are.
Keep track of your progress in a measurable way.
All you’ll need to do to feel good is to see how far you’ve come. Even the smallest effort yields excellent results. Use a calendar, planner, or even a dry erase board to record your progress. You’ll be proud once you’ve seen your actions pay off.
Commit random acts of kindness.
Do good deeds for others anonymously. It’s one of the easiest things you can do to up your happiness levels. When you know that someone else will benefit from an act of kindness, it fills you with joy. It shows you just how important it is to be generous with your time, talents, and money.
Engage your senses.
Inhale your favorite scents. Savor the flavor of a home cooked meal or a freshly brewed cup of coffee. Touch different types of fabrics. Visit a museum where your eyes get a workout. Do what you can to engage your senses, and you’ll feel uplifted and happy throughout the day.
It’s an instant facelift that gives you and others so much joy. Take time to smile at strangers, neighbors, coworkers, your family, and even your pets. You’ll feel at peace because you shared something deeply personal with other people. Connecting with others in intimate ways makes the world feel smaller and more comfortable.
Feel good in the moment in many different ways. In fact, there isn’t just one option awaiting you. There are plenty of ways to make yourself happy. Choose one and give it a try. Even if it isn’t something you’re familiar with, you’ll soon find out how beneficial it is to give yourself one-on-one attention regularly.