Bioesse Technologies Speaks About Inhalation Patches in São Paulo, Brazil
| 11/18/2019
Mark Theno, President of Bioesse Technologies LLC, was recently a guest speaker in São Paulo, Brazil for the III Simpsio Internacional de Aromaterapia e Bem-Estar.
Attended by 150 medical professionals, Mark’s talk on “Bioesse Technologies Inhalation Patches – Why It Is The Right Choice,” was well received and attracted a great deal of interest. For example, São Paulo University hospital’s mental health area, which has been using integrative techniques such as Reiki, acupuncture, sports, massage and aromatherapy, is now using the inhalation patch. The hospital has discovered a powerful new ally in helping to improve patient care, and the patients have something that improves their overall treatment experience.
Other interests lay with the “Heal the Healer” program, which helps hospitals to reduce on-site stress and anxiety for doctors, nurses and other staff. The mental and emotional state of hospital staff is often overlooked as a part of overall care, but is critical to patients’ experience and treatment. Staff has found the Bioesse patch to be a great assistant in this challenge.
Mark also presented on a study performed by Dr.’s Lori Shook and John Daniels at Kentucky Children’s Hospital, who used Bioesse’s Sweet Dreams inhalation patches to combat Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome. Babies in that study who used the patch were released 6.4 days sooner than babies who did not use the patch, saving approximately $32,000 per child.
See how inhalation patches can improve your everyday life by trying one today!