Follow These 5 Tips to Sleep Better
| 03/19/2018
We all need a good night’s sleep. Sleep is very significant for a healthy body. When we slumber our body gets to repair and maintain itself.
Research has proven that a poor sleep cycle has an immediate effect on a person’s brain function, exercise performance, and hormones. This advice is not just restricted to children but in fact people of all ages.
Optimizing your health is not as difficult. All you have to do is eat well and get good sleep. But the problem is that we often expose ourselves to such routines that even if we do resolve to get to bed early, we often discover ourselves fighting to welcome deep sleep.
There are, however, some tips that you can use to have an easy uninterrupted sleep:
Bright lights:
Your body has a circadian rhythm, which helps you stay awake and indicates when to sleep. Research has discovered that during the daytime when you expose yourself to bright lights you will find yourself sleeping better since during the as daylight keeps the circadian rhythm healthy.
Reduce blue exposure in the evening:
Blue light is the sort of light that is emitted from a lot of electronic devices such as phones, laptops etc. when exposed to it your body thinks you are still in the daytime and have to stay awake.
No caffeine:
Caffeine is good to be injected in the morning when you need something to energize you for the day, but you don’t need that in the evening off before bed. Caffeine stays activated in the blood after 6-8 hours so it is not advisable to drink it after 3 pm.
No more naps:
Your power naps are not as beneficial as you think. They can confuse your internal body clock and not only leave you feeling sleepy during the day but also wide awake at night.
Sleep cycles:
Your body has its own sleep cycle and you need to let it tell you when to sleep. Don’t fight and force yourself to stay awake at night. Let it regulate and you will find yourself sleeping better every night.
Try these simple tips along with our Sweet Dreams inhalation patch at bedtime to unwind and enjoy a better night’s sleep.