5 Self-Care Practices You Can Incorporate into Your Bedtime Routine
| 02/04/2019
Enjoy a better night’s rest with greater ease.
Sleep is soothing. It’s a self-care practice that everyone can get on board with. If you feel like your sleep schedule needs some work, there are things you can do to improve your bedtime routine. By focusing on cultivating habits that promote restful slumber, you, too, can have deeper, more restorative sleep. Refer to the list below for tips that will help you fall asleep and stay asleep longer starting tonight.
Here are five self-care practices you can incorporate into your bedtime routine:
- Take a warm bath. The heat relaxes your muscles and allows your mind to drift off to somewhere comforting. If you have a favorite essential oil or blend, you can add a few drops to the water for even more added benefits.
- Drink a cup of chamomile tea. A warm bath provides external relaxation whereas a warm cup of tea provides internal relaxation. The two work similarly in helping you leave your cares behind in favor of something more positive. You’ll be ready for bed in no time.
- Put your electronics to sleep. Allow them to charge overnight, and if you must keep a phone in your bedroom, put it on airplane mode so you’re not awakened prematurely by the dinging of alerts. You can easily address the things you missed while sleeping when you’re awake the next day.
- Read a good book. There is nothing more relaxing than the right story before bed. Find a good inspirational book to read and allow your mind to drift off to other lands. You’ll certainly have interesting dreams.
- Let the scent of lavender lull you to slumber. Certain scents can be used to invite relaxation into your space. If you haven’t used lavender before, you’ll find its aroma very comforting. Use it whenever you want to fall asleep fast.
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