5 Self-Care Practices You Can Start Doing Immediately
| 12/02/2019
There is no need to wait to implement the following self-care practices because they can be done right now.
Self-care doesn’t need to cost much to be effective. In fact, there are many things you can do for yourself that are absolutely free! If you want to start feeling better about your life, choosing an act of self-care on a regular basis helps tremendously. It allows your needs to remain a priority despite everything else you have going on.
The following five self-care practices are ones you can start doing immediately. They require little preparation and don’t cost much if anything to implement.
- Do Something Daily That You’ve Always Wanted to Do
Make it a point to schedule time for yourself. It doesn’t matter if it’s five minutes, fifteen minutes or an hour. Every minute counts! Come up with a list of things you’ve wanted to do but haven’t had a chance to experience. Then, make it a point to do at least one thing on the list daily or weekly. Note how great it makes you feel!
- Use the Time You Spend in Line, in Traffic or at the Doctor’s Office Wisely
Rather than get upset about all the time you’ve lost due to trivial things, take control of your schedule by doing something you enjoy while you wait. You’re going to spend plenty of time in life in traffic or going to appointments. Use it to listen to an audiobook, to learn a foreign language or to schedule your next massage or pedicure. The point is to use every minute of your time wisely going forward. Self-care practices don’t need to be monumental activities.
- Treat Your Body with Respect
Eat right. Exercise. Drink water. Sleep at least eight hours. Do only the things that feel good and in alignment with your values so you’re not only respecting your body but your mind, too.
- Kiss Your Stress Goodbye
Say ta-ta to stressors. Learn to be the calm and collected person you know you are. Use aromatherapy, adult coloring, sound therapy via a sound machine or journaling to un-frazzle your nerves. You’ve got the tools needed to de-stress, so make sure to use them.
- Assemble Your Dream Team
Decide who you’ll trust for love, guidance, and support. Then actively seek these people’s company and advice. You’ll have your ‘Dream Team’ assembled in a matter of no time. Then, you’ll never feel alone when you need extra TLC.
Start incorporating new self-care practices into your daily practice. That way, you’ll always have a go-to option of choice to delve deep into whatever you need to refill your proverbial well. Whether it’s adding a new essential oil to your collection and using it in your Blank Inhalation Patches or engaging in an activity alone that you never considered doing before, you’ll benefit from the extra time and attention that you devote to yourself.