5 Non-Stressful Ways to Deal with a Morning Commute
| 09/16/2019
Make it something you look forward to and not dread. Your morning commute may have not been the most pleasant experience up until now. That doesn’t mean that you don’t have the power to turn things around, though. You’ll be able to make life much easier on yourself in the future, if you find ways to productively deal with the things that stress you out about traveling to and from work or school. That way, you feel like you’re in control of the situation, not that it’s in control of you.
Here are five non-stressful ways to deal with a morning commute:
- Do a quiet activity you normally don’t get to do. If you’re driving, listen to an audiobook or podcast. If you’re riding, read a book, knit or catch up with an old friend by giving them a call.
- Use essential oils to energize or calm yourself. Put an Aromatherapy Inhalation Patch on in your choice of fragrance before getting into the car or climbing onto the bus or subway. Up to eight hours of relief await you with each patch you apply.
- Do a moving meditation. Calm your mind and focus on your breath. Pay close attention to everything going on around you. Do so as an observer and not with judgment.
- Use the time as a rider to review your schedule for the day. Come up with the three most important tasks you must complete throughout the day. If they’re personal in nature, see if you can knock them out before you arrive at your destination by putting your phone to good use.
- Be grateful for the smallest things. Whether it’s the fresh flowers you see outside your office building or the delicious cup of tea you enjoyed prior to getting to work, there are plenty of things to be thankful for. An attitude of gratitude sets the mood for the day.
When it comes to your morning commute, there are ways to make it less stressful. Practice implementing some of the suggestions listed above for best results. You’ll slowly discover additional things that help you get through traffic jams as well as long bus or subway rides. You’ll have a much easier time getting from here to there and feel calm and focused whenever you do.